activity series  
  bond energy
  bond lengths

  common names

  conversion factors: energy

  conversion factors: length

  conversion factors: mass

  conversion factors: pressure

  conversion factors: temp.

  conversion factors: volume

  covalent prefixes

  density solver

  diatomic elements

  e-config. chart

  element list

  gas law formulas

  Ka's of polyprotic acids

  Ka's of weak acids

  Kb's of weak bases

  metric conversion chart

  mole conversion chart

  molecular geometries

  organic prefixes

  periodic table

  periodic table (flash)

  pH/pOH converter

  polyatomic ions

  pressure converter

  SI units

  solubility chart

  solubility of salts rules

  solubility product constants

  stoichiometry chart

  temp. conversion

  temp. formulas

  thermodynamic data

  vapor pressure of water
How To Round Numbers

Rule 1. If the digit following the last significant figure is less than 5, the last significant figure remains unchanged. The digits after the last significant figure are dropped.

Example: Round 23.437 to three significant figures.

Answer: 23.4

Explanation: 4 is the last significant figure. The next number is 3. 3 is less than 5. Thus, 4 remains unchanged and 37 is dropped.

Rule 2. If the digit following the last significant figure is greater than 5, then 1 is added to the last significant figure. The digits after the last significant figure are dropped.

Example: Round 5.383 to two significant figures.

Answer: 5.4

Explanation: 3 is the last significant figure. The next number is 8. 8 is greater than 5. Thus, 1 is added to 3 making it 4. The 83 is dropped.

Rule 3. If the digit following the last significant figure is 5, then 1 is added to the last significant figure if the last significant figure is odd. If the last significant figure is even, it remains unchanged and the digits after the last significant figure are dropped.

Example 1: Round 3.35 to two significant figures.

Answer: 3.4

Explanation: 3 is the last significant figure. The next number is 5. 3 is an odd number. Odd numbers round up when the following number is a 5.

Example 2: Round 7.25 to two significant figures.

Answer: 7.2

Explanation: 2 is the last significant figure. The next number is 5. 2 is an even number. Even numbers remain unchanged when they are followed by a five. The 5 is dropped.

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